Welcome to ttl.be, where we are committed to excellence and driven by the belief that we can make IT better. As Game Changers, we bring our A-game to every aspect of Quality.
Shape the Digital Landscape of Tomorrow
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the demand for quality has never been higher. Quality Assurance plays a pivotal role in determining the success of any organisation. Our mission is to empower brands and organisations to build trust, loyalty, and satisfaction by delivering impeccable IT solutions.
Bug-Busting Gamechangers
We are dedicated and curious, always eager to explore the unfamiliar and challenge the status quo. Our close collaboration with customers and employees ensures we consistently deliver the highest quality. We are here to make IT better.
Transforming IT Solutions
Are you ready to explore how ttl.be can transform your IT solutions into game-changers for your customers and employees? Whether you’re looking for solutions or training, we’re here to help you reach new heights in the world of IT.
Transforming Careers
Invest in the quality of your life by elevating the quality of your work and career. At ttl.be, we aim to transform your career into a game-changer. Explore our career page or open positions and let’s bring our A-game together.
Ready to connect?
Our Story: The Vision of Excellence
How do many IT organisations start up? Often with two friends and a vision. ttl.be isn’t much different. Our vision: Make IT better.
Having worked as Software Developers, Tom & Stefan delved into the world of Software Testing during the Millennium Bug era. That’s when they got bitten by the bug, and three years later, ttl.be – short for ‘the test leaders’ – was born. Focused on testing and test coordination within IT projects, they paved the way. In 2009, they initiated the QAcademy and received accreditation from ISTQB® as a QA training provider.
After all these years, ttl’s mission still remains the same: “we passionately share and apply the best testing and QA expertise to help our customers reach an acceptable risk level”.
In its history, the test leaders has always held on to its core values: authenticity, reliability, and responsibility. ttl builds a trustworthy and close relationship with its clients by identifying with them, in terms of engagement and responsibility.
The Pursuit of Greatness
Greatness, for us, goes beyond size. It’s about excelling in critical matters: Loyalty, Trust, and Satisfaction. We value these aspects as they are the cornerstone of long-term success.
Small yet Robust and Agile Organisation
Due to our size we have a distinct advantage in agility and adaptability. We can respond quickly to changes, experiment with new ideas, and foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
Quality of Work and Life
The Quality of Life is significantly influenced by the Quality we find in our work. We deliver solutions tailored to drive sustainable growth. By doing so, we connect, engage, and grow as individuals, teams, and an organisation.
Personal Development
Greatness requires great people—individuals who step up, engage, and commit to their work. Investing in personal growth teaches to take control and responsibility in life.
20 years of Experience in Quality Assurance and Testing
15 years of Experience in Training IT Professionals
Are you concerned about potential bugs or glitches in your IT Solutions? Do you worry about staying on top of the ever-evolving trends in Quality Assurance?
We can help!
Elevate your business
Our team of experienced consultants is prepared to assess, test and optimise your IT. Let us be your guide as we harness the true power of software.
Elevate skills
Our experienced trainers are at the forefront of industry standards and drive excellence. Join us on a journey of continuous learning and evolving.